
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Nature and Music

We have found that Portland has an abundance of both.

On a recent venture to another one of Portland's cool districts for the Mississippi Street Fair, Mike noticed a flyer stapled to a corner telephone pole or cylindrical billboard as it had become.  Come enjoy the spiritual music of Bruce Springsteen.  As Mike is a dutiful follower of the prophet Springsteen, it was a must see.

MUSIC:  The setting...a grassy courtyard, shade growing as the evening approaches, a few folding chairs, a grassy center available for a more communal blanket experience.  Any age, socio-economic level, social and religious preference are welcomed.  All of this beneath the shadow of a historic stone Episcopal church whose congregation was established in 1856.  What could be more spiritual than that you ask?  Five or six extremely talented local musicians and groups performing Bruce Springsteen songs.  It is an annual event that selects various mainstream musicians who have a spiritual lesson to teach.  In between sets we were treated to the 10 Commandments of Bruce Springsteen, readings focused on trials, tribulation and redemption that are present in his songs.  It was actually quite moving at times.  The finale was wrapped up with a group sing of Thunder Road.  Truly a spiritual experience.

NATURE:  A random Groupon purchase put us onto a 3 hour float trip down the Santiam River. It has been in the 80's almost every day that we have been in Portland so it seemed like a nice day trip to float lazily down a 63 degree river in a raft and enjoy nature.  Our "float" trip included approximately 8 class 1 and 2 rapids in individual inflatable kayaks.  After a quick paddling lesson we began our adventure which was a little short on floating and long on paddling and avoiding rocks and boulders and not falling into the very cold river.  The trip was not short on natural beauty though.  While Mike scoffed at the rapids and whitewater, I was a little less sure of my abilities to navigate.  Backwards and stuck on rocks at times, I am proud to say I did not dump my kayak and made it to the end without a rescue by the guides.  By the way, the guides and the trip were a great little unplanned event and I would definitely recommend it.

Whitewater just "before" our put in spot. Yay.

The tranquil Santiam river lazily floating us to our next white-knuckle whitewater, very deceiving.  Not really that bad.
MUSIC:  Another concert at quaint outdoor venue hosted by an eco-conservatory group just a few blocks from our condo included a bluegrass group named Wayward Vessel and Crystal Bowersox -was headliner. You may remember Crystal as a non-winner of American Idol.  If Melissa Etheridge and Janis Joplin had a baby it would have the soulful sound of Crystal Bowersox.  Her second set was acoustic, just her playing guitar to very personal lyrics that put you right in her dreadlocks, shoes and her life for the 3 minutes of her song. Her last song was Me and Bobby Mcgee, she wailed and she rocked it.  Good show.

MUSIC:  Free jazz festival at Cathedral Park.  About 15 minutes northeast of Portland under one of their many bridges crossing the beautiful Willamette River we arrived at the small park that is delightfully situated under a very large large bridge whose supports are reminiscent of cathedral architecture, hence its name I suppose.  Although it was rather steamy, the music as good and we were once again amazed by the musical talent we have seen in this town.

NATURE:  I am not sure if our trip to Bob's Red Mill natural foods and breakfast mercantile belongs under "nature", but it's my blog so I am putting it there. :-)  I am sure you have seen their all natural whole and milled grains in your local supermarket.  We planned our trip to strategically arrive for breakfast at their cafe as Mike had a hankerin' for their flapjacks with 100% natural maple syrup.  Then we would go to the mill for the daily tour.  Breakfast was divine, filling with delicious buttermilk pancakes and whole grain biscuits as big as your fist.  Needless to say we hoped the tour included nap time, but alas it did not.  Bob and his 100% employee owned company are true disciples of natural, healthy rice, grains and legumes.  They have also embraced the gluten-free phenomenon and it seems the glutenless have embraced them as well, that line of business has increased 50% in last couple of years.  Bob and his wife seemed to be ahead of their time really, they have built a thriving business with a profit for good philosophy.  It works and it is also good for you.  I am too now a disciple of Bob's Red Mill.
Cafe and mercantile store.  Breakfast, lunch, all products (bagged and bulk) and Bob's Red Mill swag available here.

Bob's flapjacks and biscuits, a carbloader's dream.

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