
About Us

We are Hopeless RoamAntics.  Someone who holds sentimental and idealistic views on love (or life on the road in an RV) especially in spite of experience, evidence or exhorations otherwise. 

For those of you who know our faces, you know us as Mike and Janice. We are mid 50 something married couple with no children.  Through a fortuitous confluence of events we were fortunate enough to fulfill our goal of being employment and location independent.

In May of 2013 we lived on the island paradise of Hawaii, we were presented with a unique situation in which we both became untethered by jobs, not by our choice...but carpe diem.

We decided to sell most of our worldly possessions except for 72 boxes of stuff and 1 car and do some wandering.  We had traveled internationally and domestically both for work and pleasure over the years, but still have a desire to see and do things we have not yet done.

We were vagabonds for about 15 months and went to some really cool places. In 2015 we put down some roots in St. Petersburg, FL on the beautiful Tampa Bay.  Our wunderlust continues though and we still enjoy chronicling our travel adventures. 

Up until the recent events of 2020, we frequently traveled both in the US and to whatever international destination we had not yet seen.  In September of 2020, we decided it was time to try the RV lifestyle and see the good ol' US of A over the next couple of years.  

If you want to come along as I chronicle our travels, we would love to have you.  Stay safe.