
Monday, July 29, 2013

Cronuts, shmonuts

You may have all heard of Voodoo Donuts.  A yeast and sugar emporium that has developed mythical status.  100+ people are regularly standing in line for that coveted pink box filled with a voodoo doll donut (complete with a "pretzel" pin for sticking), maple bacon bar, Tex-Ass Challenge donut (equal to the size of 6 yeast donuts combined) or one of many other cheeky-named favorites. These are not vegan, gluten-free, nut-allergic or paleo friendly and in Portland that is testament to their yummy, guilt-ridden goodness.  You gotta go once for the donut and the spectacle.  We made the pilgrimage on a previous trip to the Rose City.

However, this post is not about the voodoo they do, but instead about a new haute donut entrant in Portland called Blue Star Donuts.  If you are hip, hungry for a designer fried dough circle with a hole and you are also well-funded...make the trip to Blue Star.  They purvey made-from-scratch-daily brioche donuts fried in rice oil with unique combinations of icing and/or ingredients.  We ventured into the bright, clean donut and coffee shop with our Amex card and hoping they would not notice our many degrees of separation from hip.

Understated, white box of yummy goodness.
Blueberry/bourbon/basil glazed, maple bacon and a hard cider apple fritter were our selections. The flavors vary based on their whim and available ingredients.  YUM!!! $8 is pricey for 3 donuts and a short-term sugar rush, but we both agreed it was worth the experience.  Even for a Top Pot lover like myself, the brioche donut was a delicious departure from the norm.  Their hours are listed as "8am - out".  Arrogance or confidence? Probably both.  There are other chef's that have it going on outside the Big Apple.
From top, Blueberry/bourbon/basil, hard cider apple fritter, maple bacon...stop drooling.

1 comment:

  1. Love the tasty descriptions, feel like I am there, but sadly not!! :) glad you are having such great fun!


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