
Friday, May 31, 2013

What if all of the sudden your circumstances were such that you were presented with an opportunity that would both challenge and change the way you looked at your current plans?  We are fortunate to be in a position to to embrace this change and take some time off to travel and explore the world we live in.  Some of you wanted to follow us on this journey and while I Google all the time, I don't Tweet or Facebook so I thought I would try my hand at a blog as a way to share with those of you who have interest.  If you want to subscribe, just put your email address in the appropriate box and you will be notified of my posts.  If you just want to follow The Fortuitous Hiatus casually, you can do so by your favorites and visiting when you have time or interest.  Feel free to comment and correspond.  It is a intended to be a social place.  Thanks for your interest.

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