
Monday, August 11, 2014

Perfect day for the beach

Our Blue line bus tour the day before had afforded us the opportunity to stroll a short stretch of the enormous beach that is at the edge of Valencia's massive seaport.  The beach stretches as far as the eye can see with the amazing Hotel Las Arenas Balneario Resort located right on its sands.  We walked through its lovely lobby and gardens leading to the beach. We immediately had a plan for the next day, let's head to the beach for paella and sangria.

Recommendations from our host directed us to an area of the promenade near Malvarrosa beach. There is a rather touristy section of restaurants, such as La Pepica (made famous by Ernest Hemingway)  near the Hotel Las Arenas which are well documented as "the place to go" for paella. We chose the path less traveled.

After a hearty breakfast bowl at home and a trek back to Plaza de la Reina, we exited the Blue line bus at the beach.  We walked, seemingly forever in the warm sun to find the restaurant Laura had recommended.  We ended up at a Burger King with a Wi-fi hot spot to ask Google to help us with our quest.  Onward we walked, it was getting late in the afternoon and many of the restaurants we passed were closing up. We finally reached the restaurant we were looking for and there was not a sole in it.  We lingered at the entrance and not 1 of the 3 workers inside acknowledged our presence.

Slightly disheartened, we walked to the next restaurant on the beach, Luna de Luz.  It was pleasantly crowded with locals so we added ourselves to the mix.  Just after our arrival, as we enjoyed a lovely, refreshing pitcher of sangria a sun shower passed through.  We all had to rush for cover under the awnings.

Mike had Relleno with Mariscos and Paella.  I opted for the duck empanada and lamb chops. The meal was enjoyable.  The paella experience was not the best, good, just not great.  The duck empanada was outstanding.

Duck empanada
Relleno with Mariscos

During our appetizers, one of the awnings was caught by a gust of wind and about 2 gallons of rainwater dumped on Mike and another patron.  Luckily he was wearing his handy-dandy quick-dry Columbia world traveler shirt.  He was dry before dessert.  We lingered and enjoyed the late afternoon sun that had returned.

On our way back, we hopped off one more time and toured the beautiful palace gardens in the heart of Valenica.  Just a lovely day.

Funky tree in the palace gardens, so I will never be a botanist. :-) 

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