
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Oooh, Mexico...where not even the sun is in a hurry

We are here for another 30 days.  This is Loreto Bay, Baja California Sur Mexico!  It is a desert climate located about halfway down the Baja peninsula.

The hidden gem of The Villages of Loreto Bay is tucked between the Giganta Mountains and the azsure Sea of Cortez approximately 7 miles North on Mexico Hwy 1.  We ended up here through a friend of Mike's who had offered us a favorable multi-month rental on a 2 bedroom casita he owns in the community.  Mike and I have spent several vacations in Mexico and enjoy the culture, the vibe, the food, sun and sand that is unique to Mexico.  This is our first trip to the Baja.

Upon our arrival in late September to the small, but very new airport we were confronted with the reality that English, when spoken loudly with extreme enunciation is not any more understood by the local taxi driver than speaking English at a normal volume.  The years of high school Spanish have served me well.  Key words and phrases are still stuck in my feeble brain even after my recent birthday, who knew?  We obtained a "collectivo" (group taxi) at the airport and made the journey to the Villages of Loreto Bay.  While trying to make Spanglish small talk with the taxi driver enroute, we began to acclimate ourselves with the two lane highway that would take us to town, including the various free-range horses and other animals grazing on the roadside. By free-range I mean, no fences anywhere.  Watch for animal signs dotted the road, large animals...bigger than your car, good safety type.  

The Loreto Bay complex a word... "vacant" when we arrived.  Another couple of words would be "ghost town".  The taxi driver dropped us off at our unit with the help of a security guard and our Mexican adventure had begun.  The first few minutes were spent unpacking, assessing the contents of the cute little casita and then we embarked on a recognizance walk in search of an open restaurant.  Not an easy task at a resort area whose season does not really start until mid-October.  

After a fairly long walk through the complex in 85 degree heat and literally not seeing another living soul, we began to wonder about our lodging choice for the next 47 days.  Oh ye of little faith.  We saw an open door at the Loreto Bay real estate office.  A chance conversation with Orlando, yielded some basic info on our new community, a map of Loreto with street names and key points of interest such as the two major grocery stores, bank, wine and liquor store and well known restaurants clearly marked.  A local bar that shows NFL games was also part of Oralando's intel... pay dirt.
Orlando was getting texts from his co-workers to come join them for happy hour.  It was 3PM in the afternooon,  just one of the many reasons to like Mexico.  Friendly Orlando offered us a lift to the Loreto Bay Golf Resort and Spa on his golf cart as he was on his way over.  It was basically our only chance to get some grub so we jumped aboard.

Orlando delivered us as promised and left us to join his amigos.  We sat down to a late lunch of fish tacos and a burger with this view.  In the immortal words of Coach Levy, "Where would you rather be than right here, right now?"

Hasta Luego!  

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