
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Guns and Roses

The other day we were at Oven and Shaker, yet another cool bar/restaurant in Portland for happy hour.  Mike was conflicted over ordering a cocktail called the Rum Daisy (Flor de Cana 4yr, Dry Light Rum, Grand Marnier, freshly pressed lemon juice, club soda, orange oil).  While it had all the components of a delectable early afternoon libation for a warm sunny day, the name was a bit of an embarrassment for him to utter aloud for other nearby diners to hear.  Mike shared his dilemma with the server who promptly said she would just call it the Rum Manly to assuage his concerns.  We all got a laugh and Mike had the very enjoyable Rum Manly without self-loathing and humiliation.  The delicious wood-fired salami-topped pizza made it a bonus all around.

Later that same week, after meeting up with some local friends for dinner and drinks, we got on the subject of gun ownership and safety, etc.  Our friend invited Mike to go with him to a shooting range and try his skills shooting multiple rifles and pistols.  Mike took him up on this unique offer and spent a few hours learning and shooting at the range.  It was interesting, educational and gave him a view of gun ownership from the perspective of a respected friend not from a right or left wing nut on the television.  Good life experience. 

One more thing capped off the week of the Rum Manly.  Mike was kind enough to invite me to see RUSH while in Portland.  I knew only 2 of the songs they sang but I almost always love live, rockin’ bands so it was actually enjoyable overall.  Women were in the minority of attendees which made it “The best restrooms visit at a rock concert for a woman” of all time.   We got home after midnight, didn't buy the t-shirt.  

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