
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Farewell to Florida

Tomorrow we begin our western trek as part of our planned travel schedule for 2013.  We had an awesome time with family and friends in Indian Rocks Beach last week.  We gorged ourselves on fresh caught snapper and other delectable sea critters, chicken wings (3 ways) and a smoked brisket, all cooked to perfection on the Big Green Egg.  My brother has become a BGE pitmaster.  Along with the abundant food and drink was a lot of  laughter.  We just had a ball.

We have been enjoying our last week in Florida at our dear friend's home again in central Florida.  We have had several lessons in humility while playing water volleyball, billiards and golf in their highly active community.  The four of us are working on a much needed health, weight and wellness improvement pact to counteract the many weeks of excess.  While it has been great fun, we are all feeling the effects in our waistlines. Mike and I are hoping the cooler morning climes of Portland and Seattle will motivate a daily walking routine for us both.

This stop in Florida made our re-entry to the mainland a tremendously soft landing. However, you know you have outstayed your welcome when the cat princess of the house is comfortable enough to come out and bath herself  in front of you like you are a regular fixture in her environment.  

Misty says it is time to move on people!

Being with family and friends has reinvigorated us both and we are ready continue our sojourn.  We look forward to being back for the holidays.  Love to you all.
One more glorious sunset from Indian Rocks Beach.

1 comment:

  1. Miss you guys! Really too bad that we won't be in Seattle in August.


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