
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Farewell to Florida

Tomorrow we begin our western trek as part of our planned travel schedule for 2013.  We had an awesome time with family and friends in Indian Rocks Beach last week.  We gorged ourselves on fresh caught snapper and other delectable sea critters, chicken wings (3 ways) and a smoked brisket, all cooked to perfection on the Big Green Egg.  My brother has become a BGE pitmaster.  Along with the abundant food and drink was a lot of  laughter.  We just had a ball.

We have been enjoying our last week in Florida at our dear friend's home again in central Florida.  We have had several lessons in humility while playing water volleyball, billiards and golf in their highly active community.  The four of us are working on a much needed health, weight and wellness improvement pact to counteract the many weeks of excess.  While it has been great fun, we are all feeling the effects in our waistlines. Mike and I are hoping the cooler morning climes of Portland and Seattle will motivate a daily walking routine for us both.

This stop in Florida made our re-entry to the mainland a tremendously soft landing. However, you know you have outstayed your welcome when the cat princess of the house is comfortable enough to come out and bath herself  in front of you like you are a regular fixture in her environment.  

Misty says it is time to move on people!

Being with family and friends has reinvigorated us both and we are ready continue our sojourn.  We look forward to being back for the holidays.  Love to you all.
One more glorious sunset from Indian Rocks Beach.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Where you from?

What do you say when people ask you that question?  Do you respond with the name of town where you were born, where you spent your formative years, where you lived for 10 years or more, where you lived for the past 24 months, where you most recently lived or where you reside right now?  This one has us stumped.    "We are currently domiciled in Florida", I say.  "Yes, but where do you LIVE?", they probe further.
"Well...we  currently travel full time so we are living everywhere for a while."
"Do you have a home?"    "No, we are homeless, but not in an economically unfortunate way."
"Right on!" or "cool!" is usually the response at that point and we move on to another topic.

I have come to believe that is this is a question meant not to pry, but to connect a social thread.  Connecting is good and people usually have lived or have had a cousin who lived or have passed through the airport in whatever general area you say you are from.  In the case of my husband, there is always someone from Tonawanda, NY lurking in every city in which we have lived or visited in the world.  It is uncanny really.  Strangely enough, I have encountered a couple of people from my very small hometown in Indiana in our travels recently.  Again, connecting is good.

We are currently enjoying the hospitality of Indian Rocks Beach in Florida, 90 degree days with 85% humidity is the norm this month.  We have been having fun visiting with my brother and his lovely wife who live here. They love the fishing and the beach and live 2 blocks from both.  We also were fortunate enough to be near Mike's dad on Father's Day which has not happened in many years.  We had a lovely lunch at the Blue Dolphin in Hudson, FL with 2 for 1 cocktails, homemade meatloaf and a nautical motif that would make Captain Jack Sparrow feel at home.
Here are a some pics of my brother's Key West inspired backyard and a lovely sunset.  I am envious of their view and their vision.
Feed your inner cave man at the pit of fire with pastel loungers.

Care for something smoked and tasty from the Big Green Egg?

Enjoy a frosty beverage while watching the boats drift down the canal.

Sunsets and Sea Grass, sounds like the name of a bar.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wunderlust begins

Our return to the mainland was a very soft landing at Orlando airport.  Our dear friends who just recently moved into a beautiful new home were gracious enough to let us crash at their place, only weeks after moving in.  We are very grateful to have friends who feel more like family.   After a few days of acclimation to the heat and humidity we managed to fit in some fun playing semi-competitive bocci ball.  Of course there are the necessary logistical and domestic tasks associated with moving, but all is progressing.
We then began our planned drive down the east coast of Florida.  We started in St. Augustine for a few days, then drove down the coast.  We passed through Melbourne, Vero Beach and Port St. Lucie before driving back across the state to Indian Rocks Beach for a 2 week stay in a condo at the beach.  Seriously, Florida is flat.
We experienced some rain from tropical storm Andrea, but all in all it was an enjoyable trip.
Travel tip:  If you are ever in St. Augustine, stop at a little restaurant called Gas Full Service, you won't be disappointed, especially if you order the peanut butter pie for dessert.
Our first landing spot at our friend's new house, just beautiful.
The entry to the ancient city of St. Augustine, currently celebrating the 500th anniversary of its founding by Juan Ponce de Leon.
Doesn't look like much on the outside, but you will be rewarded inside.