
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Ruth's Rubber Meets the Road

Well the time has come for us to coax Ruth out of her resting state and take us on our several month roadtrip, odyssey, sojurn...whatever you want to call it. We made our first reservation for this Western Round Up trip back in January '21 and ended up with a 6500+ mile trip covering approximately 200 nights. We will depart from Florida and go as far north as West Glacier, MT, as far west as Bend, OR and back south to Durango, CO. Currently our planned stops end in Durango in mid October. We will figure out what happens after Durango at some point on our journey. As I have on our past trips, I will log on from time to time and share some of our travel experiences. We have a lot of very interesting locations planned and I am sure there will be stories to tell along the way. For those of you who have followed us in the past on the Fortuitous Hiatus blog, I have started this new adventure with a new name and blog location. Hopeless RoamAntics can be followed at the following link going forward. If you would like to enter your email in the "Follow by Email" box on the right-hand of the blog, you will be notified of new posts when the occur. Thanks for stopping by...stay safe.