
Friday, September 30, 2016

Czerwinski's Down the Hatch at the Beach and Birthday Bash (Sept 9-17, 2016)

About 10 months ago I mentioned that I would like to someday go to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, NM.  As is so often the case,  my lovely spouse set out to make my dream come true.

Hey, I have an idea, he says...let's make it a road trip and pull the Can-Am motorcycle with us.  We can see if my family would like get together somewhere near the coast then we can continue on to the Albuquerque, should take us about 6 weeks round trip, we will be back home around late October just in time for Halloween. 

And so it began...

We left St. Pete, Fl on September 9th for an overnight stay at a fledgling campground with the sweetest 75 year old owner named Glen.  This campground was at the right overnight stopping point for us after about 5 hours of driving. Sparsely populated with only two other campers, Glen made us feel welcome and provided immaculate facilities.  

Our next stop, Down the Hatch Beach House in Gulf Shores, AL for a week of Czerwinski family fun.  The house was perfect for enjoying time by the sand and sea.  The company was great, we laughed, ate, drank, watched the Bills game and celebrated my birthday at a lovely dinner.  Great time.

We left the beach on September 17th for our next stop, New Orleans, LA.