
Monday, September 29, 2014

Who's who in the zoo? (5/22/14)

The title of this post is a phrase that was used a lot by a guy I used to work with.  He used it to illustrate the need to know various roles and responsibilities on projects that we worked on.  I used to always smile when he used it, it just sounded funny to me. Apparently it still does because I am smiling while writing this.  Thanks Dave for the chuckle.  This post has nothing to do with work, but does have to do with the zoo.

The Bioparc is zoo-immersion experience.  Zoo-immersion is a design philosophy and technique that endeavors to immerse the visitor in a faithful re-creation of nature habitats.  The animals, the vegetation and the landscape setting form to invite the visitors to discover the complexity of the ecosystems surrounding them.  The barriers are hidden, giving a sense of continuity between the enclosures in which the animals live and the public space.

This park is located on the Valencia city bus route or you can use the Hop on/Hop off bus to visit. You have no sense that you are so close to the city while visiting this zoo.  It is truly an oasis.  The animals were active and seemed to enjoy their surroundings.  So did we.