
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

From the Port of Indecision, Southeast of Disorder

The first quarter of 2014 in Florida has been quite a respite from the rest of the cold, snowy cruel world. We have had great fun visiting with friends, family and the beach.  We have not seen any snow or ice except on the Weather Channel.  My heart goes out to those of you who experienced multiple SNOWMAGEDDONS and other stormy conditions!

My golf game is progressing, as a beginner that just means that I don't whiff the golf ball as often. While is is a maddening sport, I have learned to admire the beautiful surroundings of a golf course and of being outdoors to see a late afternoon pink sunset while walking from the last hole. I did birdie one hole once which will probably have to sustain me for several years to come.

Our original plan for 2014 was to stay in Florida through mid March then proceed on a 3 month European road trip.  In February, we had a health issue that had to be addressed.  It was not serious and all is well, but we had to adjust some of our plans accordingly.

I have updated our new "tour" schedule to the right of this post.  We will be in Europe for approximately 7 weeks.  I expect it to be a totally awesome trip.  Postings to follow.

When we get back on June 30th, we have decided to rent a place in St. Petersburg for a few months. While constant travel has its glamorous side, we have agreed to "settle in" somewhere comfortable and sunny at least temporarily.  For now, we are on the road again.